Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Here's me wearing full bana.

Sat Nam Everyone! Today I thought I would share a picture of what I'd look like in full bana. For those who

are unfamiliar with Sikhism it's the clothes that Sikhs wear. I wanted 2 see what I'd look like & find out what it feels like. (Since I'm visually challenged). Well  4 the most part it was great. However, next time I'll wear a short sleve white tunic instead of the long sleve 1 I wore the last time. Way too hot!! I wore my bana 2 church that Sabbath. Both 2 gauge their reaction (which I didn't get any). & 2 let my church family know that I'm making some changes & don't freak out if I no longer go 2 church after the 1stSabbath in November- or even sooner if I'm able 2 either arrange transportation 2-or even an affordable place 2 livre close 2 the gutrdwara. (The Sikh Society of Central Florida). So please pray that 1 of those things happen! Well tha's it 4 now. Until next time Sat Nam, Dana Morgan a.k.a Amrita Kaur

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Sat Nam everyone! Today I want to share something with you.  I'm involved in a 40 day Global Sadhana with Spirit Voyage.  (For those who are unfamiliar with it it's a website with resources for Kundalini Yoga & Meditation).  Well anyway, this 40 Day Global Sadhana is called  "Honering Ourselves & Blessing Our Children.  You don't have to be a parent in order to participate.  You can be a babysitter, or grandparent, aunt uncle or other relative or friend of a child.  Heck you can even be a "pet parent" like I am.  I don't have any "human children" but I have a cat named Sunny who will be 5 next week.  & he picks up on when I'm doing my  banis as well as this Sadhana & he wants to get really close to me LOL.  So if youre interested go check out this  link:    <a href="http://www.spiritvoyage.com/globalsadhana/" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.spiritvoyage.com/images/40Day_global_logo_200x200.png" alt="40 Day Global Sadhana" width="200" height="200" border="0" title="40 Day Global Sadhana" /></a>  Well that's all for now.  I hope that you join the community.  Until next time Sat Nam,
Amrita Kaur

Friday, April 27, 2012

Sat Nam everyone! Sorry it's taken me so long 2 get back with you. A lot has happened since the holidays. 1. I've been watching Live Gurdwara broadcasts from this link: