Sunday, June 23, 2013

The story continues...

Sat Nam Everyone,
     Just checking in since I haven't in awhile.  A lot has happened over the past several months.  For starters Late last spring/early last summer I've been attending a gurdwara in Ovido called Sikh Society of Central Fl. I go when i can get a ride since there aren't any buses that go there.  But it's nice because it lets me turn my brain completely OFF!  (Which is very important to me since I intellectualize & study things to death all week!)  & I wasn't getting that when i attended the 7th Day Adventist church.  Between them encouraging-or more accurately pushing Sabbath School & offering take away questions at the end of the service.  I mean  give me a break!  What's next? Homework assignments? Final exams at the end of the series?  Thanks, but no thanks!  I don't believe that God should be intellectualized, but related to with prayer & meditation.  So I stopped going to church & started going to the gurdwara full time (either physically or watching it online).  Then in September I started noticing the numbers on emy blood glucose meter start climbing up when I checked my blood sugar before I ate.  (I was born with hypoglycemia & have been "spot checking" my blood sugar ever since I moved out on my own).  Well as you can imagine I was pretty freaked out but didn't know what to do with that new information.  So I continued to watch & when I saw my doctor in October I told her about it.  She told me to keep checking it like I'm doing & if it didn't get better to come back in a couple weeks.  Well it continued to climb & in late October I was officially diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.  At first I did lifestyle measures (including certain supplements) & started taking Metformin.  Now we have a few new problems.  For 1 thing it "petered out" before my blood sugar had a chance of lowering. The other thing is I had horrible cramps they were so bad at times that I was on the floor in "child's pose" doing Lamaze breathing techniques.  UGH!  Finally in November I couldn't take it anymore & my doctor started me on a long acting insulin called Levmir Flex pen.  At the same time she wanted to put me in the hospital because my blood sugar was almost 500! I told her that I couldn't afford a hospital bill & didn't have any insurance.  Besides if my number isn't up I wasn't going ANYWHERE! & if it was there wouldn't be a dang thing the doctors or nurses could do my bags are packed & I know where I'm going.  Besides I NEED A REST!!  The kind that I believe that ONLY an early death can give me!  So naturally she had me sign a waver that I wouldn't sue the clinic.  (I guess they're paranoid about Morgan & Morgan coming after them).  Well anyway I just told her "Just tell me what to do & I'll do it."  So the nurse gave me a few units of insulin, they watched me 4 a half hour, then i was sent home with a prescription & the instructions.  Well all that weekend my affirmation, mantra, or whatever you want to call it went something like this:  "I'm able & willing to do whatever it takes to stay out of the Emergency 
Department & hospital with God's & Guru's help."  I also prayed like gangbusters!  I said "OK God please send me who you think would be best suited for this weekend."  & I swear I sensed not only Jesus whom I've known all my life, but Gurus Ram Das (Who's the guru of miracles), Harkrishan, (The Guru of Healing), & Gobind Singh (The Guru of Radiance, battles, & wars. (I guess God sent him in case I needed a good S.K.I.A. (Swift Kick in the A**!) )OK I'm trying to keep it G rated but you get my drift).  I swear at times the apartment felt kind of crowded, but I was very grateful for all the extra help because I couldn't have done it without them.  Every so often I'd "hear" one of them say something like:  "When did you drink/eat last?"  Or "you better check your blood sugar."   Stuff like that.  Well I went to Gurdwara on Sunday morning & my fasting blood sugar was still kind of elevated even though I was taking 20 units of Levmir.  I was very careful of not only what I ate, but also how much.  I even skipped the gurprshad that's served before Lungar.  I told people that I have Diabetes & can't eat that.  After we got done with the meal I climbed up & down the stairs several times in order to help burn some of that excess sugar.  One of the ladies kept insisting that I sit.  I said, "No I can't DOCTOR'S ORDERS!  (Even though doc didn't exactly "order" me to do that it seems that I use that it has more weight) Well no more had to be say after that.  Well later that night I was still lost as far as what I should do was concerned (since I desperately wanted to avoid going into the hospital).  I heard someone say "Increase your dosage to 30 units."  I said, "OK I'm not going to argue with you.  You know what I need more than I know myself."  So I did.  The next day my fasting blood sugar went from 250 the night before to 148 WAHE GURU!!  Well I've had lots of us & downs with Diabetes (literally as well as figuratively).  Like before my next A1C test I was beginning to question whether or not what I was doing to torture myself was really worth it.  I felt like saying "screw it just give me a bag of chips or a thing of bonbons & let me sit on the couch!"  Then I found out that it was worth it indeed because my A1C went from 13.5% in November to 7.1% in May WAHE GURU!!
Fast forward to April of this year.  More specifically the 13th & 14th.  On the 13th I had my self defense class with Winter Park PD.  Which was both disturbing & enlightening.  I sure hope I never have to use what I've learned, but my mantra is "better to have it & not need it than to need it & wish to heck you had it."  Then on Sunday we celebrated Vaisakhi Day in Gurdwara.  I was in all white.  (See previous post of me in bana). It was a nice service, but it was funny (ironic not ha ha funny) that my self defense class was the day before Vaisakhi Day.  I guess that was Guru's way of showing me how to be a warrior saint/saint soldier.  Well that's it for now.  I'll let you guys know if anything new & interesting comes up.  Until next time Sat Nam, Amrita Kaur